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Historical Security Council

Chair Reports

Anderson Chung


I’m Anderson Chung, a junior at Hsinchu County American School. It is with great gratitude and honor that I serve as the President of the Historical Security Council. I joined MUN in seventh grade and have attended seventeen conferences ever since. From the instant I stepped into the gates of my first conference, I was in awe of how confident and professional everyone looked in the room. I do have to admit that I only spoke once in my first conference, but my fear has faded away ever since. I can’t help but be grateful for the way this experience has shaped me into the person I am today. One piece of advice I would give to new delegates is to believe in yourself and know that it’s okay to be nervous on stage. We are all here to learn and improve ourselves by helping each other as a community. I look forward to meeting you all at the conference.

Thank you very much.

Hello, MUNers!


I am Morris Huang, a student from Hsinchu International School, and I am excited to be your deputy president for the Historical Security Council. HIMUN VIII marks my sixth conference and first time chairing the Security Council. My experience with MUN is one of pretentiousness. Usually, people tell embarrassing stories about their first conferences to make them appear more relatable. That wasn’t the case for me. I decided the second I walked in I was going to pull off a show, that is because debate is much like performance—the argument is made to convince the audience, not the opposing delegate. Indeed, I was correct, and people came to me for questions, when it should really be the other way around. The key takeaway from this experience, I would say, is to fake it ‘till you make it. However, deceit is not the only element of MUN. It gives me an excuse to be more educated on issues worldwide and also trains me to formulate arguments for a stance whether I actually believe it or not (a skill that comes in handy when both sides of an argument must be taken into account). About me, I’m just a talentless scrawny teenager trying to improve his GPA before it’s too late. I used to catch up with a lot of anime and play a few games, but I sacrificed them for a better sleep schedule. Just kidding, my dark eye circles would beg to differ. So why am I any good? I’m not, other than the fact that I’ve done Security Council a lot of times already and that I’m dedicated to try my best at chairing. The topics for the Historical Security Council this year are quite fun to debate if you put in enough research and overcome your stage fright.


Let’s do that, I guess. See you in March!

Deputy President:
Morris Huang

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