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Historical Security Council

Chair Reports

President: Emily Lien

Emily Lien - Mugshot Picture.JPG

Greetings! I am Emily Lien, a sophomore enrolled at I-Shou International School (IIS), and it is my utmost honor to serve as your President of HSC in HIMUN IX this year. Ever since I started my MUN journey in Grade 6, I soon fell in love with the intense debate, the excitement of seeing delegates raising their placards to defend their country stances, and to realize that MUN is also a platform to form friendships that will follow you for the rest of your school life. HIMUN IX will be my twenty-first conference and fifth time chairing. Participating in HIMUN is truly an astounding experience, and I hope returning as a chair this year, I can make you feel the same with constructive debate and discussions. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding the issue, and I will do my best to help. Apart from MUN, I also enjoy reading, writing, watching anime, and obsessing over Gilmore Girls. I am looking forward to seeing you all in March!

Deputy President: Jasmine Wu

Hello! I am Jasmine Wu, a junior at Hsinchu County American School (HCAS), and it is a great honor to serve as your Deputy President of HSC in HIMUN IX. This will be my 12th MUN conference and my first time chairing.  My MUN journey began back in 2019 when I was still struggling to find my voice once I was up on the podium. I found myself stuck to my chair as I was timid and wouldn't dare to raise my placard in front of all the other delegates. However, as time went on and I explored a variety of committees, I soon found myself speaking eagerly in debate, improvising speeches on the spot, and befriending others at the conferences I attended. I hope you all find joy in debating rigorously on global topics, having fun, and expressing yourselves confidently. MUN has genuinely taught me a lot, and I hope to give you the experience of feeling so as well. Outside of MUN, I enjoy watching Formula 1 and playing golf. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

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Hsinchu International School
No. 290, NiuPu East Road
Hsinchu 30091
Taiwan, ROC


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